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Fundamentals of Journalism & Mass Communication

Fundamentals of Journalism & Mass Communication

Author: Mrs. Madhu Kumari, Dr Priyadarshini Kiran, Dr Umang Gupta

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Original price was: ₹449.Current price is: ₹439.

Short Description

Journalism and Mass Communication is a process of exchanging information and ideas through the large segment of people. In other words it can be said that it is a mode of imparting and ex-changing information to the wide range of people.

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Original price was: ₹449.Current price is: ₹439.

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Academic | Journalsim



About the Book

Journalism and Mass Communication is a process of exchanging information and ideas through the large segment of people. In other words it can be said that it is a mode of imparting and ex-changing information to the wide range of people. ‘Fundamentals of Journalism and Mass Communication’ book are designed with the intent of delving into the details of Journalism and Mass Communication. There has been a recent surge in the number of courses being offered to students on this subject. The rapid advancements made in the field of communication have trig-gered a sudden interest among the masses, who seek to pursue a career in this field. Journalism and Mass Communication mostly covers areas of Print Media and Electronic Media. This edition of ‘Fundamental of Journalism and Mass Communication’ has been comprehen-sively designed that covers the syllabi of almost all the Department of Journalism and mass Communication of different Institutes/Universities. The book has thus been written keeping in mind this recent trend and aiming to help individuals gain a deeper knowledge of things that pertain to Journalism and Mass Communication. So as to make it convenient for the readers, the book has been split into 12 distinct portions, which focus on important topics pertaining to this field. Introduction to Communication, Introduction to Mass Communication, Introduction to Journalism, Origin and Growth of Print Media, Introduction to Creative Writing, Origin and Growth of Radio Journalism, Introduction to TV Journalism, Introduction to Film Studies, Introduction to Advertis-ing, Introduction to Public Relations, Introduction to Media Laws and Ethics, Introduction to Digi-tal Media are the titles of the 12 portions that this book has been divided into. This book is highly useful for Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication, Certificate Course in Journalism and Mass Communication, Diploma in Journalism and prestigious Universities Entrance Examination.

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